There are ways you can become a photographer without a degree, but it takes hard work and perseverance. Here are some ways you can achieve your goals without the expense of a formal education.
Can I Become a Photographer Without a Degree?
You’ve decided you want to become a photographer, and are considering a degree to develop your expertise and career potential. However, education can be expensive and if you’re just starting out, pursuing a degree may not an option. Don’t be discouraged. There are ways you can become a photographer and it won’t cost a bundle.

Where do I Begin?
The best place to begin is by purchasing an entry level digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera. But, what do all those buttons do?
Your new shiny camera has arrived. You unbox it, but figuring out what all those buttons do is like a brain teaser. So where do you begin? Start by reading the camera’s manual. You will learn the basic functions of your camera and that is key to taking your photography skills to the next level. However you won’t learn it overnight. Commit to learning one aspect of your camera and practice daily.
Opportunities are Available
Take advantage of the opportunities available around the country. Several times a year, you can find an expo or a conference or a workshop that will serve you well if you are just starting out.
If you are lucky, some of the events may be free. While it may not help answer questions you may have, you will get to practice on models with your camera and test out the latest gear on the market.

Apply for a College Course
Photographers develop their skills in a variety of ways. You have to find what works best for you. Find a courses at your local community college and learn the basics. Take one class at a time and put into practice what you learned.
The Internet: A Wealth of Information
Undoubtedly, the internet has got to be one of the easiest sources for learning. Nowadays, you can find the answer to just about any question you pose. Clearly photography has an abundance of resources to help you in your quest to become a photographer without the need for a degree.
Pick one aspect of photography you want to develop. Search YouTube and choose amongst the thousands of videos available for beginner photographers. Find the right video, a knowledgable instructor, and you will clearly learn something. The key is to immediately practice what you studied, otherwise the learning won’t stick.
Coupled with all of the above, join Facebook photography groups that align to your goals. Oftentimes, if you pose a question about something you’re struggling with, there is the likelihood that someone will respond and that answer can get you over a hump. Read the questions that others pose, and the subsequent responses. Those may help you especially if you’re struggling with a similar issue.
In Person Workshops
There is no better way to learn than hands on learning. Again there are opportunities afforded you if you search. Take advantage of conferences and workshops as they will help you hone in on your craft.

Also, you will learn about the latest gear, you’ll be able to experiment with it, and if you have saved your pennies, oftentimes you can get a good deal on a purchase and add something new to your camera bag.
Additionally, you will be able to attend short presentations where you listen and learn from some of the industry’s experts. It may help you set new goals to work towards.

If your niche is to become a wedding photographer, a styled photoshoot is one way to practice. Photographers pay a small fee to join a styled shoot alongside other photographers. There is no pressure to “get the shot” as there would be with a real wedding. You get the practice you need and the biggest benefit is that you will have photos to build your portfolio. Styled Shoots Across America offers many shoots all over the USA, so if this is something that appeals to you, make sure to follow them on Facebook to see their schedule of upcoming events.

Similarly, photo walks are another way to gain experience and learn from the experts in the field. Find someone whose style fits your own. If you combine it with a trip, you can find yourself in a great location and you will have amazing photos to build your portfolio.
Find a Mentor
Whose style do you emulate? Maybe it’s a photographer in your area whose style is similar to your own. You need the practice so you consider becoming a second shooter. Begin following that photographer on social media. Interact with their posts. Then when you are ready, reach out by sending them a message. Because you have responded to their posts, they will at least know who you are. Invite them to coffee. You never know where it will lead.
Reading is Fundamental
There are so many books available that will help take your skills to the next level. Earlier I mentioned that you should read the camera’s manual. However, that will not answer all your questions. Find out who has written a book on the model of your camera. Ask your peers for recommendations, buy the book, and devour it. In the end, you will come away learning more about your gear and with practice you will be on your way to becoming a photographer and you didn’t have to spend a bundle on a degree.
Practice practice
There is an old adage that “practice makes perfect.” But Vince Lombardi’s quote couldn’t be truer for photographers, “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”
As the industry evolves, it’s important to commit to your own growth, immerse yourself in learning, and build new skills along the way. However, you need to practice daily. Practice outside during the day. Learn how to use your camera in all conditions. Go out at all hours of the day. In this way, you will be better prepared for any situation that presents itself.

Also, you may want to set up a home studio. In the studio, you can practice how to manipulate artificial light. Take notes along the way so you’ll remember what worked and what didn’t. As a result, all that you have learned through trial and error will pay off and you’ll meet the goals you’ve set for yourself.

Final Thoughts
In conclusion, if you have wanted to become a photographer, don’t hesitate. Commit to learning about photography and give it 100%. Take your time. It won’t happen overnight. If you go at it too hard, you’ll set yourself up for failure. Monitor your successes and one day you too can become a photographer without the need for a degree.
What are some ways you’ve learned photography?
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